Bates Method: Not A Real Thing2021-11-10T02:42:18+00:00

We Don’t Do Bates Method.  Why?  Because our darling eye guru is tired of hearing from people telling him how it doesn’t work.  Yes, Bates was a pioneer, way ahead of his time, and if the path had continued, we likely would not have a myopia epidemic today.  We hold William Bates in the highest esteem.

But we don’t believe that “Bates Method”, today, is doing the man any justice.  This “method” you find online today, has little impact on multi-diopter, lens-induced myopia.  It won’t do a thing to induce axial reduction in your eyeball.  And it goes against many key things vision science has come to understand over the past century.  Still want to read more?  Here are some articles with Bates references.

Unicorn Farming Nonsense: Bates Method & No Glasses

Oh, darlings. Getting VanderJakenbergen riled up again.  Yes.  People e-mailing me that their Bates teachers are telling them to stop wearing glasses. Wait. "Bates".  "Teachers". There we go, fixed the grammatical bits to reflect their title more accurately.   These things drive me just a tiny bit (more) insane.  Why?  Because I too look for health ideas online.  When I had weird thyroid issues.  TMJ teeth grinding bits.  When looking up blood test numbers.  And always, without fail, there's the [...]

By |Bates Method|

Bates Method: Getting In The Way Of Real Solutions (Video)

Quick YouTube story telling time, today. In this one I attempt to explain the harmful nature of the otherwise benignly silly concept of eye exercises. For most health related topics, there's the symptom managed, mainstream, quick-fix, pill popping side.  And then there's the other side, a causality addressing, solution seeking, "healing" approach to the problem.  Both of them are generally known to people who do any real amount of research. Take dentistry.  Yea, you can eat candy and get cavities [...]

By |Bates Method, Video|

Bates Method: PALMING (And Better Ideas)

Have you been up all night, searching for the ultimate guide on Bates Method palming exercises?  Are wondering just how to best put your hands on your face? Then this guide is for you! Warning:  If you have an irrational and possibly highly emotional belief that Bates Method is amazing, you maybe won't like this post completely.  Because as usual, we'll be mixing a bit of truth and education in with some gratuitous sarcasm. First, realize that Bates Method as [...]


Oh, kittehs.  Let's just come to terms with one thing:  It'll never, ever end, the "Jake-why-not-Bates" questions. Bates fans often think I'm just a disagreeable asshole (which is accurate of course).  I'm opposed to it though at the peril of my own popularity or potential for making all that Bates money.  I'm NOT opposed to it for your own disadvantage. I leave out the palming and sunning, because I don't believe it's an effective use of time.  See my comments [...]

Adam Compares Bates & Endmyopia: A Must-Read For Curious Myopes

You know I get cranky about various vision improvement methods.  Cranky. Especially if you're part of our Facebook group and witness the reactions when people talk about eye vitamins and acupuncture and worst of all, eye exercises. But why do I get so annoyed?  Because, I'll tell you why.   We'll use Adam as a real life case, as he is currently participating in BackTo20/20.  Adam tried all sorts of vision improvement for 13 years prior (without much lasting success) before [...]

By |Bates Method, Student Reviews|

Step Into My Time Machine

First rule of endmyopia club, let's have fun with all the things. Yesterday, the drama with Bates fans in the Facebook group.  That's fine, let's get all wound up on occasion.  Then Jake says, enough with the Bates talk.  But even then, several people still have to have the last word.  If you like to read into things, you might almost think they're heckling the poor old frail eye guru on his little mountain hideout. "Think about it Jake, you are [...]

By |Bates Method, Video|