Behind The Scenes Topics2021-11-10T02:42:18+00:00

Behind The Scenes.  Highly professional outfit that @endmyopia is, behind the scenes is all entirely sanctionable, appropriate, and educationally valuable content.

Or not any of that.  We take no responsibility for what you may find in this section.  (nor anywhere else, really … Jake is any PR professional’s amused nightmare)

Vladimir: -2.00 Diopters To 20/20

Oh boy, I can imagine the comments already. "But Jake, that was barely two diopters.  From there to 20/20 that's not even impressive, brrrrrrro." But here, anyway: There are a lot more of these, some starting with much higher diopters. If it's just regular improvement reports, people aren't happy because "bro that's not 20/20 there's no point".  If it's massive gains, people aren't happy because "bro why am I not getting four hundred million percent gains in a month, that [...]