Here’s another heart warming myopia reduction progress report for you, from a smart and curious reader of our esteemed and impeccably composed blog.  

Cheryl writes:


Starting out with a -3.00, and just a few short months later we’re at -2.25.   She’s doing it with just the blog, too.  See?  Even if you don’t contribute to Jake’s immense @endmyopia slush fund, you can take back control over your own vision.  

So simple, really.  

And even though your biology isn’t the same as mine, or Cheryl’s, in a whole lot of cases you’ll find that the first 90 days yield around a diopter “improvement” (a combination of eliminating senseless overprescription, and getting rid of years of accumulated ciliary spasm, and better daily vision habits).  It’s also true, should be noted here, that you could do a whole lot of other things to get the same one-diopter, 90 day result.

Cheryl though, having learned about the fallacy of the single prescription paradigm, and the importance of good habits and routines (and not eye exercises), is going to continue experiencing solid improvements.  She’s right, a year from now she’ll be at no glasses for close-up, and won’t really need glasses for daytime outdoor either.

That’s where you want to be.  The hardest part of all this, is deprogramming your mind of the learned helplessness, expressing itself as “oh I don’t really mind these here glasses” crap talk by the little voice in your head.  

A whole topic unto itself, how people think that they “don’t mind glasses”.  If you feel that way, just realize that you’ve been conditioned to be a good sheeple, by a massive and well organized billion dollar industry, and their “doctors” spokespeople lens sellers.  In actual reality, you will feel far more empowered, happy, and well with your own, natural, healthy eyesight.

You won’t know what I mean, till you go try.  I guarantee you’ll never go back to accepting increasing prescriptions, once you start seeing better, all on your own.  

