I’ve been doing recently what people always tell me not to.  I’ve been reading comments about me, on the Internets.

Now … I know what you’re thinking.

You’re thinking, a) Jake I don’t care.  And perhaps b), who cares what people say.  But before you stop reading right here, just stick with me for a moment.  It might be worth it for a moment of your entertainment.

The most interesting comments I read were how I wasn’t presenting a very professional image.  You come here and it’s not really science and lab coats and smooth design.  It’s not all about ‘featured in x-fancy-publication’ and ‘scientific proof in y-fancy-published study’.  Instead you get this somewhat sarcastic heathen character of a non-medical, non-licensed ‘eye guru’, telling you how he’s buying lens stock and his affinities for LSD and world vagabonding adrenaline fueled womanizing.  Yikes, kittehs!

Actually.  I haven’t brought those things up.  Have I?  Maybe.  At least not in the public blog.

We do have tons of science here, to be fair.  But then the reality also is that I could care less about trying to sell anyone on an image of professional facade (or sell anything, really).  Part of the eye guru inside joke is that you get the insights but you also have to put up with a bit of the character behind them.  Keeping things raw and unedited makes me feel like we can connect on a real level, there’s no facade and arms length type of writing at a faceless audience.

Right?  Right. 

What’s this got to do with Daniel Vitalis?

As you probably know, Daniel had me on his podcast, a short while back.  I had done a bit of research before saying yes to the interview request (they come every so often and usually I decline).  Daniel definitely has an impressive roster of previous podcast guests and the symbiosis was obvious.  (I did think that it was somewhat brave though to put me in that finely cultivated lineup.)

But if you dig into his podcast a bit (which I highly, highly recommend), you’ll realize how we here fit in with his canvas of stories.

I spent about 10 hours in planes and airports over the last week and a half, and most of that time has been passed listening to some of Daniel’s amazing guests.  You get everything from drugs to orgies, to self defence and how we lost touch with natural movement (and how to get it all back).  All of it extremely compelling and a testament to Daniel’s brilliant range of interests and collection of mentors.

As you listen to his guests, and Daniel’s rather awesome steering of conversations (start with recent ones for best audio), you can’t help but feel amazed by the depth of insight that brilliant individuals have accumulated.  I might selling it hard here (go listen!), but this is entirely not a coordinated effort or any kind of favor or paid endorsement. 

There, that’s all I’ll say about it.

Oh and also, that Internet comment about bad Jake, was framed in a positive way.  I enjoyed reading it.  Weird to say this, about the Internet.  Thanks for not being dicks, disembodied humans behind keyboards and screens.  ;)

Tomorrow, back to on-topic things.

