Matthew posts an update in the forum:

I posted last month about a nice prescription reduction and my excitement about the progress I have made since last year. I reduced to:

OD -2.50 *-.25 *177
OS -2.00 *-.50 *177

I adapted to the reduction faster than I thought, and could consistently clear to the 20/20 line on my snellen in good lighting. After 4 weeks at that prescription, I decided to try another reduction. Now, I am at:

OD -2.25
OS -1.75 *-.25 *177

Here, in good lighting, I can see the 20/30 line with a little effort, and can just about clear the 20/25 line. The difference with this prescription is that in less optimal lighting, clarity is significantly reduced. It’s not bothersome, but it shows me how importantly quality lighting is. I’ll definitely give my eyes and brain time to adapt to this one.

The more exciting piece for me is, occasionally, when I am outside and I take my glasses off, I’ll get a clear flash and can read some distant signs without glasses at all. It’s still a long way from having functional vision, but just having a preview of what my vision might look like in a few months or a year is very exciting.

Nice work.

Those clear flashes are what you want to get to.  Once at that point you can start going for the first part of your walk without glasses, encourage more moments of clear vision.

You’ll find those happening often and getting more persistent.  Then you can even go to another 1/4 to 1/2 diopter lower prescription and find that the flashes happen much more frequently to a point that you can just use that lower prescription for most outdoor daytime use.  Then you’ll want to start occasionally pushing for more distance in close-up.

It’s push-pull, push-pull.  Lots of good improvement potential there.  Only caveat is winter, if you live somewhere less than tropical.

It’s these updates that keep me going.  Thanks to Matthew for taking the time to post!

