Are your contact lenses and glasses the same exact (relative) correction?  They better be!

Focal planes are the key to all things myopia.  Your eye being a dynamic system, constantly adjusting to seek ideal eyesight, uses focal plane feedback to calibrate itself.  This aspect of our biology is elegant and so complex that we barely begin to scratch the surface on how it works.  

And yet … we go monkey around with artificial focal plane changes, like it’s no big deal.

Every so often I get e-mails asking vision questions, including some diopter details.  And it’s not at all unusual that if there are contact lenses and glasses involved, that they have different focal planes.  Glasses with cylinder correction, contacts without.  Glasses where left and right eye spherical is different, contact lenses they’re not.

Makes me a bit crazy, that.

You’re putting your visual cortex in a constant state of high alert, flip flopping around complex artificial focal planes.  Hey brain, here’s some axis specific cylinder correction.  Like that?  Oh oops, how about no cylinder now.  But hey suddenly the left eye sees more clearly than the right.  Suuuurpriiise!

If you want the most effective way to make your visual cortex think that there’s something seriously wrong with your eyes, that’s surely the way to do it.

But the optometrist says, ehhh, it’s fine.  Skip the astigmatism for contact lenses.

Here’s a quick video explaining all this in more detail:

No expense spared production quality.

Don’t monkey around with focal planes.  Learn first, then apply.

