If you’ve been around my Twitter feed today, you’re maybe not feeling all happy and full of sunshine.  

The DuPont story in particular makes me not keep much faith in humanity.  They poison millions of people and irreversibly pollute our planet, and they’re not being rounded up, fed their own chemicals, with a live video feed of their demise to warn all the other profit crazed maniacs.  Nope, none of that.  There are guys out there right now enjoying all the money they made screwing the rest of us.  Sure, lawsuits and money changes hands.  Justice theater.  Don’t think for a second that governments and corporations and the medical industrial complex are going to act in your best health interests.

*stopping before things turn into anti-establishment hippie rant and Jakey ends up on some no-fly list*

This, good news post.  Let’s focus on that.  

First, Yvonne read the e-mail series, and apparently the advice therein was of some benefit (love to hear that):


Well done!

I get a veritable barrage of questions from the e-mail course, and sometimes I wonder if I accidentally wrote the thing in Latin.  

But then every so often there is an e-mail like Yvonne’s, and I feel all better.

You can, if you’re smart enough, and patient enough with my writing, figure out how to reverse your myopia with just my seven day e-mails.  That’s pretty cool, and qualifies as good news, right?  

More good news, from the forum.  Apparently Nate made good use of BackTo20/20, for his son:nate-kids-progress

That is brilliant.

Here too, my e-mail inbox is sometimes heartbreaking.  I get a ton of e-mail of high myope pre-teens, of optometrists increasing prescriptions to alarming levels, and parents truly distraught about their children’s eyesight.

I know just how it is, having my own little tiny offspring.  2016-01-03 09.52.16

Jake household already had the detailed lecture on iPads and smartphones, and what isn’t getting put in front of those half-Asian curious big eyeballs.  And whenever I get some affirmation here on the site that things are coherent enough for some of you to keep your kid’s eyes myopia-free, I really do feel better.

Housekeeping Notes:  I’ve told a whole lot of you who asked about meetups, that due to time limitations it’s students-only for the time being.  Too many to do it for everyone, but not quite enough to make it a seminar/session/ intro of sorts.  Maybe later on we’ll get into some of that also.

Meanwhile though, if you made progress on your own, if you used the blog and site and e-mails, if you have an interesting story and would be open to sharing it on an informal video recorded chat, let me know.  I’m thinking about bringing along some camera gear and capturing a few perspectives and dialog.

