The #1 best favorite stories here on endmyopia, when parents conquer their children’s myopia.

Your favorite eye guru himself being on his first procreative adventure (and with it a now 2 year old boy), I completely get how much more distressing any ‘condition’ or ‘illness’ is, when it affects your child.  If you have myopia (disclaimer: not an illness), fine that’s one thing.  But your child?  That sucks on a whole new level!

Which is why I love reading stories like this one from Louise in our Facebook group:

That’s a huge win.

At least there’s one thing you don’t have to worry about – myopia for children.

You probably have seen that we have a whole category for child myopia here in the blog.  You hopefully know that there are tons of other eye conditions that don’t fall into the strain and lens induced myopia category, for which you should seek regular checkups with your friendly ophthalmologist.  You hopefully also know that developmental eye conditions, high myopia in young children, and anything not specifically called myopia, not part of the story here.

I point this out since surprisingly often new readers expect the old eye guru to be some sort of all knowing, all seeing eye magician, able to solve any and all eye related riddles. 

Eye guru, not eye magician.  Sadly.

This is definitely not one of those places that promises fixes for every biological challenge, or swears off modern medicine altogether.  The magic here while strong, is very strictly limited to strain or lens induced myopia.  

All that cautionary disclaimering said, myopia applies to a lot of kids (thanks Steve Jobs, and your iPads).  So if the optometrist goes hmmm, yea glasses, then do come here and do more reading before necessarily taking that advice.

Louise Answers Questions

And before we sign off, Louise started a new thread where she has been answering more questions on how she managed to reduce her son’s myopia:

Awesome Facebook group!

If you are a member in our darling Facebook group, you can find the full thread here.

Please note that private messages are not allowed (group members have complained to me in the past about new members messaging them quite a lot), so do keep conversations in the group threads.

Facebook Group Notes

And speaking of the Facebook group, bear in mind that we continue growing at a rapid pace.  This means we have to be vigilant about approvals due to increased volume in fake accounts, trolling, and other attempted mischief.  If you apply for membership, make sure you’re not doing so from an account that’s you and real and not obviously dodgy looking (no profile pic, zero friends, all the red flags) – because odds are otherwise that you won’t get in.

We try our best, but double digit growth, daily is hard to manage!

Every day, dozens of new members.

As always reading group rules before posting is key, asking questions that aren’t obviously part of the 7 day e-mail series or blog basics, etc etc all the standard stuff.

Keep up the great gains, and do share your progress reports with the group!

