You know what is amazing?

We could literally do only eyesight improvement stories, and cover every single day of the blog.  We’re actually pretty close to where we could do only eyesight improvement stories from just blog readers (not even students), and cover every single day.

That’s huge.  Oh boy, I can’t resist right now …



Anyway.  This one is interesting because it’s low myopia, which really takes getting everything right, not being torn by doubts of what’s possible, and taking advantage of every bit of those few 1/4 diopter reductions.  

Here’s Omar’s e-mail, showing very solid work:


Every day.  Picking from the @endmyopia e-mail inbox, we could do this every day.  

Which means that this site is doing its job, all of your contributions are getting people motivated, your progress reports are giving readers clues, and a lot of people are taking action.  

And to be fair, and in response to some recent e-mails, yes indeed BackTo20/20 is miles more fun than just the blog.  But participating there means handing money to the troublesome creature that is Van Jakenstein, the wholly unlicensed, unsanctioned, unorthodox eye guru.  Doing so may indeed make you complicit in this whole organized subversion of the proper rules, the proper channels, the proper licensing of the proper dogma, of commercialized myopia control. 

You shouldn’t be forced to basically become what amounts to a swashbuckling pirate, flagrantly refusing lifetime lens submission.  In the eyes of mainstream optometry that sort of insubordination won’t make you any friends.  Therefore, BackTo20/20 optional, and with some digging you can make all sorts of 20/20 gains with just the blog.

Also, it’s Sunday afternoon.  In case you were wondering why things are weirder than even usually.

Here’s another only-blog-reader improvement e-mail, just for good measure.  1/2 diopter in 114 days, by Anna.  We’ve got plenty to spare:


Proud of you, Anna.  And Omar.  And all of you who not only use this resource, but also take a moment to send me a quick heads up.  It makes my day, really every day.


1. Log Tool Updates.  I mentioned this on Twitter and Facebook already.  The next round of updates is coming to the log tool, which will include an even more awesome summary for your forum signature (and some bug fixes).


It’ll of course be automatically generated based on your log results, showing the total diopters improved (the calculation is made based on normalized lens data only, for now).  

The full history link will show the previous lens diopters.  All other data will be your-eyes-only, not visible to other students.  

2.  Travel day tomorrow:  I’ll be headed to Hong Kong.  That’s not much of a disruption, probably, hopefully business as usual.  Also feel free to request meetups in the forum, I’ll be around for a week or so.  

3.  Other health favorites?  Feel free to intrude your favorite eye guru to other bloggers, health wizards, potentially symbiotic resources.  There have been some interesting connections lately because of reader introductions, super fun.  Love it when you bring up @endmyopia in tweets or Facebook, or via e-mail.

That’s it.  See you tomorrow!

