Time for a little video edit!

Especially with the Internet, I hear the word impossible a whole lot, when it comes to what we talk about here @endmyopia.  Oh, it’s impossible!

You know what?  If the process of arriving at that conclusion is even remotely potentially entertaining, or if you find that it wasn’t impossible after all you might have a significant win at the end … you might as well go find out for yourself, what’s what.  It’s way more fun to end up at the impossible mountain pass yourself, than read about it on your computer screen.  

Video musings, on things impossible:


Give it a thumbs up, and subscribe to the little fledgling channel while you’re already there.

The rest of this post, a complete digression.

I’ve got this idea of what I want the videos to be.  Part CrashCourse (the original with John Greene in particular, love his stuff), and part Casey Neistat.  

Right now the videos are zero of either.

Here’s the thought process, though.  CrashCourse is amazing at keeping your attention through topics that could be complex or boring.  It’s playful and interesting, and you can watch it for casual entertainment and still learn a lot.  Brilliant stuff.  Imagine that applied to all our topics here.  How the eye works, the various science posts, the how-to guides … it all could benefit from some great story telling.

And there’s the aspect of why you want to improve your eyesight.  I don’t want you to lose the balance on theory vs. living life.  You want better distance vision.  A huge part of getting there is actually going out and seeing things.  Actually after I finish writing this post, and do some housekeeping, I’ll be headed to the train station, hopping on an overnight, 14 hour train ride across the country.  Skipping the flight option on purpose, to see more of the travel experience.  Train ride followed by several days of riding rented motorbikes through mountains and villages.  Unplanned, random, let’s go out and see some stuff!

That’s what you should want or love 20/2o eyes for, is going out and having them tell you stories about the world around you.  That’s what I want to inspire you for.  The Casey Neistat part, whenever I watch his videos, it makes me want to get out and go somewhere.

I want both of those things, in video format.  A Casey CrashCourse on how to get your eyes back.

Don’t look at any of what’s up now and think of it in that way.  I’m still just at the point of trying to overcome my trepidations of being in front of a lens.  Doing editing stuff, realizing how things tie together.  The basic mechanics of things.  Dedicating time to this, entirely and completely side, side project, of a side project.  Even so, I am actually talking to illustrators and animators on a regular basis, contemplating ways to work together.  I bring a camera with me sometimes, and record some of the things you see, seemingly randomly, before and after current videos.  

Is it all ever going to be a Casey CrashCourse?  I haven’t set my mind to it, fully.  Right now it’s hovering at the level of “open to the idea, if things come together”.  Whenever I feel that way about something, I try to keep it in the regular mix, give it a chance to gestate and bond with the idea.

It’s also part of the point of writing a blog post for you every day.  I know many come to read, and the “open to the idea” may turn into you really going to get your eyes back, after you read enough of these blog things.  

Do it!  ;)

Girl in the picture/video:  One of my favorite darling friends, spends seemingly every last bit of her paychecks on travel.  Originally from some tiny hut village in a third world country, single teen mom, taught herself English and Oracle database programming.  Moved to the big city, got a nice job, is living a life worthy of this amazing thing “life” that we just get one of.  That girl is always somewhere, doing something, the epitome of possible and also, yes.  

Great eyesight, too, despite all those hours in front of computer screens.  

