Written By Despina
Contributing Optometrist

The recent case of the London optometrist who was convicted of manslaughter requires a mention here.

The optometrist failed to spot abnormalities in the eyes of a child who was suffering from hydrocephalus -fluid on the brain. Sadly, the child died of the condition shortly after the eye-test. The optometrist was found guilty of manslaughter through gross negligence, for missing signs that would have been obvious to any competent optometrist.  

A tragic story, but thankfully an unprecedented one. 

Optometrists are trained professionals whose first duty of care is the eye health of their patients. As well as testing sight and giving advice on visual problems, Optometrists are trained to recognize eye disease and abnormality, and to refer such cases to other specialists as necessary. 

My point is, do not avoid your optometrist, even if you are prescribing your own glasses. 

Think about it. The eyes are the closest we can get to the brain, and also the only view we have of the blood vessels of the body, by non-invasive methods. Many systemic problems, not just visual ones, may be identified. The importance of a thorough retinal examination should not be under-estimated.