Focal plane leap session:

What we are going to find from this session, is that you can overcome a 1.25 diopter correction need, by using my blur focus method.

This means, that if you currently need a -1.25 differential correction to see at 50cm distance, you can accomplish the same vision, at the same distance, without any correction (though it will take some work to make this persistent, and will take some notable effort and focus initially).

In a plus lens differential case, this means you might be able to add a notable amount of correction and still achieve your distance. In a stronger minus case, you may be able to reduce a notable amount of correction to achieve this result.

In many cases, you may be able to add as much as 30 to 50% to your current centimeter distance, with this practice.

If you are enjoying the advanced program, this one will have been worth the wait.  Once you have applied the strategies of blur vs. double vision in #61, used the preparatory work in #62, #63 will be a pretty significant experience for you.

You will be able to increase your centimeter distance significantly, and recall this improvement day after day.  For those who were getting stuck on a bit of a plateau, this is the installment to break that loose for you.  As the program has a time release function, the progress of this installment should come at an ideal time for most of you – you tend to have gotten to a plateau, though you slowly improve, and you are ready for these new strategies.

The fun part of this will be giving you the chance to enjoy observing how much of a distance you can clear – and the challenge of recreating this experience.  Your eyes are capable of great feats, and these three installments (#61- #63) will shows this more clearly than any before it.
