Myopia Clinical Studies: Retail Optometry Hates Them2021-11-10T02:42:25+00:00

Science.  The garlic to most online vision improvement vampires (of your wallet and sanity).  You won’t find many links to Google Scholar and clinical studies and optometry journal articles on most vision improvement sites.  Why?

We wont dare to speculate (or speak ill of the unicorn farmers).  But here you will find discussion about vision biology, about discoveries in optometry science, and many studies and articles relevant to understanding myopia and your eyesight.

Contrast Sensitivity

Written By DespinaContributing OptometristIf you have been doing the program for a while now you will be familiar with the Snellen letter chart and your visual acuities, and the significance of measuring your visual acuity in different ambient lighting conditions. You will have practiced active focus at different times of day, and noticed the vast effect that ambient lighting has on your vision and focusing ability.The Snellen chart was developed by the Dutchman, Dr Herman Snellen, in 1862, primarily for [...]

Three Mammals and a Bird

Written By DespinaContributing OptometristNote:  This post is supplemental to the discussion of eyeball axial change going both ways, the key premise of natural myopia reversal.The marmoset monkey, the rhesus macaque, the treeshrew and a chick.  First common factor: they are all vertebrates. Second common factor: they are all diurnal, ie. they are awake in daylight hours. Three are, like us, mammals, and one is a bird. And the basic anatomy of their eyes is the same. The cornea, the iris, [...]

By |Nearsightedness: Science|

Geeks! “Retina Its Own Sensorimotor Apparatus”

We're going to get super far off the regular corse today.   If you're just here to get simple and actionable insights on natural myopia control, this post isn't the droid you're looking for.  Inspiration for this delving-into-things post, from Andrea's e-mail: text version for easier legibility:   Hi Jake,   Wow. Although I am obviously super-expressive, I can hardly even begin to express how much this course has meant to me.     And it's only the end of my [...]

Study: Bifocal Contact Lenses For Myopia Control

Bi-focal contact lens study:  72% reduction in myopia progression.  80% reduction in the rate of axial elongation.YES.  More mainstream science proving that myopia isn't the uncontrollable lens-selling, profit pooping monster, which the optic shop sales minion will describe to you in all sort of lurid detail.  Feast your eyes upon this one:Bifocal contacts control myopia progression better than multifocal spectaclesAller TA, et al. Optom Vis Sci. 2016;doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000000808.March 29, 2016In the CONTROL study, distance center bifocal contact lenses offered greater control over myopia progression and axial [...]

By |Nearsightedness: Science|

Glasses Cause Serious Psychological Stress In Children

Kairi posts a great study link in the forum today (published in OVPJournal, site here), looking at psychological stress in children from myopia development.As you already know, myopia isn't a real illness.  Giving glasses to children for myopia is a terrible idea.  I've been saying this for years, while working to help parents use a more holistic approach to manage their child's healthy eyesight.  As usual, there is science substantiating these common sense premises:Psychological Stress in Childhood and Myopia Development [...]