Repost, of Netanel’s excellent newbie mistake Le Meow forum thread and Facebook posts:
It has been almost a year now and it is time to share my experience and do a little shaming to myself.
In my first draft of this post I wanted to tell the whole story of how I found EndMyopia and what is my philosophy of life to get you the background of what I was thinking and may help many others to avoid my mistakes, but I decided to keep this post short and concise and up to the point so I skipped this part and hope you will not assume that I’m total idiot
Nonetheless I will simply put that some of my mistakes came from pedanticism or misunderstanding of the instructions or overdoing or overthinking or mixing other eyesight improvement ideas (like Todd Becker’s print pushing method) or perfectionism or impatience or enthusiasm or all at once.
The order of the mistakes is random and a result of what came up to my head at the time.
However, each one of them is very important and therefore I can’t find the right order for them.
So, treat each one equivalently.
Mistake 1:
Reducing both SPH & CYL correction at once.
It is bad ‘case the eye has 2 different blur types (Double vision and regular blur) to resolve and it is slowing the process of resolving the image.
Mistake 2:
Starting both norms and diffs reduction instead of diffs only.
It is bad ‘cause you don’t have the reference of clarity and you get lost. Moreover, you can miss the baseline of clarity in the beginning of the process for the measurements part.
Mistake 3:
Reducing too much.
My original correction at the beginning of the journey was -7.50 -0.75/-7.5 -0.50 and right away I jumped to -7.00/-7.00 of norms and -6.00/-6.00 of diffs (without CYL correction on both). That was too much.
Mistake 4:
Not buying online.
This is the root cause of my choice in Mistake#3. I was trying to save money with as few glasses as possible and I messed up with my process at the beginning.
My first months of EndMyopia journey was like wander away in the darkness (Literally)
Mistake 5:
Not measuring rigorously.
I was reducing too fast because I felt a lot of improvements in my eyesight but it was never enough for a reduction. I was giving myself credit for seeing letters that I don’t really recognize if I never knew they were there in the first place.
“It’s better to focus on the acuity and blurriness of the letters rather than whether you can just read them or not” @NottNott
Mistake 6:
Thinking that diffs are making the magic rather than the norms.
I was thinking that diff is doing the AF magic and norms are just for not making the regression when you look in crasp clear while looking at the distance.
Therefore I was using my diffs for nearly all of inhouse activity and left norms for only outside vision.
It is totally the opposite. The norms are doing the magic and diff are just to prevent the Myopia regression. You should use your diffs only for close-up focus and norms for all the rest even if you see clearly at mid distance.
“Normalized means normal life” @Reannon
Mistake 7:
Thinking that seeing clearly even for a moment is bad.
I was trying to maintain a constant blur to my eyesight thinking that it will accelerate the process.
I was using 2 diffs for both screens and books to maintain that.
It is not necessary as it is good to see references of clarity from time to time and switching too many focal planes is bad. Lots has been written about it.
Mistake 8:
Thinking that I will beat the process.
It is so immodest of me to think that I will be the chosen one that will beat thousands of long journey success stories.
I thought that I would find a trick that would make the process much faster. Thanks to eye yoga teacher Yehoshua Malinsky, I was trying his failed method in 2014 which was claimed to fix eyesight in just a year, so I was convinced that there must be a trick that will accelerate the process.
I indeed found that blood flow is helping AF and in some cases it can replace the 20-20-20 rule as it gives the ciliary muscle what it needs but it is not accelerating the process. Not significantly anyway. See this post for more details. (Blood Flow To Help Active Focus 3)
Mistake 9:
Trying to resolve too much blur with Active Focus.
I was doing Active Focus on indistinct letters on my screen while working and it was doing no good for my eyes nor any good for my work either.
I was thinking that resolving too much blur will accelerate the process but I was definitely wrong.
It is better to do AF on much less blur that you CAN resolve to a clear image rather than too much blur that AF is only improving the clarity a bit.
Mistake 10:
Not doing Active Focus on 3D moving objects.
That was only in the first couple of months and I caught the wrong pretty fast but I still think it is worth bringing it up.
In the beginning I was thinking that AF is only possible on static objects as you need the image to be static to focus on. It is true in the beginning when you have to discover Active Focus but after you get on it you should do AF on 3D moving objects at the distance as it is more effective to blur resolution.
Those mistakes made me look like an idiot around my friends, and rightly so.
You can imagine a situation where someone wants to make a conversation with me and I switch to diffs in front of him to avoid looking through my norms in mid distance.
Moreover, those mistakes slowed my process and made the opposite of what I was trying to achieve by overding EndMyopia method with them.
“Keep it simple. It is a long journey and the more you keep it simple the more it will be easy to keep up” @jakey
Also see: Why you’re not improving when you think you are.