Your favorite old Alien Beard spends a lot of time on case specific support.
The bummer about all that being that usually only one person gets to see it. There are over ten thousand responses from me in the support forum (nine years we’ve had this program already), explaining all sorts of specific scenarios and approaches. Often I think, “this really is some interesting stuff, shame it’s buried in a member-only support forum”.
Like this one:
We got issues here, clearly.
Problem in this case is that this person isn’t getting enough of a visual signal on the left eye for proper binocular vision. All sorts of issues may arise from this, from amblyopia (‘lazy eyes’), mono vision, limited depth perception – you could make a long list of stuff that might go awry from having your diopter be that far off.
One question could be, when and how did all this happen in the first place? Why do we have equal diopters but an actual large diopter ratio? Did we change this at some point? What’s the full diopter history?
And from there, how do we actually fix this?
Here’s one of my comments (in the fairly long thread of discussion):
A lot of this input on my part is because, 20 years experience.
We found out ‘the hard way’ lots of things that don’t work, over the past couple of decades. The further back that it is that you may have met me, the less nuanced my suggestions likely were. With a thing this far out in the weeds, actually going down in diopters, introducing stimulus, there’s limited precedent. Especially once we go from the standard scenario to these outlier cases.
All that said, please don’t use a BackTo20/20 membership to make me figure out something entirely off-the-menu from scratch. Support is intended for the course materials, so there’s some reasonable limit to what I offer on that front.
By now, I can give you what feels like an endless amount of answers to all sorts of seemingly confounding diopter questions. Not because any sort of notable intelligence (for sure don’t expect any of that), just actually having seen most things, a few times.
At the risk of sounding like sales, BackTo20/20 is a pretty good option for fixing your eyes. Some big updates are coming, as usual I tweak the lessons as we learn more and are able to give better advice.