LASIK (Side Effects & Topics)2021-11-10T02:42:24+00:00

LASIK.  Pretty much the very worst case scenario for myopia treatment.  A permanent lens cut int your eye, mind bogglingly crude despite the word “laser” in the description.  This is some straight up Austin Powers / Dr. Evil plot, and we here at endmyopia honestly can’t believe this is a real thing.

Read through these posts.  Learn some basics about vision biology, about myopia causes, risk, side effects and the massive scandals around LASIK.  We hope to be able to convince you not to have your eyes cut up with a laser!

Should You LASIK, Or Shouldn’t You?

There is an interesting post in the forum today, from a new student.  He signed up, giving this a shot, while also thinking about getting laser surgery for his high myopia.  I always get the trying-to-talk-you-off-the-ledge feeling, when I get this question. From years and years and many, many first hand accounts from laser surgery patients who later came to me, I have strong opinions about LASIK and related procedures.  Yes, in some cases, low myopia in particular, it's worked [...]

LASIK Complications: Epithelial Ingrowth Risk At 50%

You already know what I think about LASIK. Besides being unnecessary if holistic myopia control is practiced, it's also dangerous.  The incidence rate of side effects is staggering.   Recurrence of myopia post LASIK is significant.   I may soften up about optometrists, but the LASIK charade has to go. Here's one of the many common complications.  Read through this if you're considering getting your eyes cut up with a laser: R. Doyle Stulting, MD, PhD: "About 50% of all LASIK patients [...]

By |LASIK, Questionable Therapy|

PRK & LASIK: Serious Side Effects?

Here's how you educate yourself about the potential risks of laser surgery, and learn about a potentially decent choice of doctors to do the procedure for you: 1.  Ask your PRK / LASIK  doctor just one single question: Dear doctor, how did my eyes become myopic in the first place? 2.  Listen carefully to the answer. 3.   Visit this page for known science:  How Myopia Actually Happens Take a few minutes to get the short version of the story.  Then at the [...]

By |LASIK, Questionable Therapy|

LASIK’s Very Serious Risks To Vision Health

Magda writes in an e-mail: I was given glasses at age 2yrs.  By age 35 I was -14 in my left eye (lazy eye) and -12 in my right. At this age I had two lasik surgeries per eye which brought the left down to 20/40 and the right to 20/20  Dr. Mark Speaker performed the surgeries, one of the best in the business, although I've since heard that lasik can cause permanent damage to the cornea.  Over the last [...]

By |LASIK, News|

Lasik Surgery & Retinal Detachment Risk

Let's touch on lasik surgery as a high myopia solution (to reduce retinal detachment), just briefly. This e-mail came across my desk the other day: I happened to stumble across your page as a desperate attempt to see whether my vision can be improved at all. I am VERY myopic, wearing contact lens at -10.50 and having glasses at -12. 2 days ago, I went to get an eye exam and the optometrist gave me a new glasses prescription of [...]

By |LASIK, Myopia, Vision Health|

Lasik Surgery & Retinal Detachment Risk

Let's touch on lasik surgery as a high myopia solution (to reduce retinal detachment), just briefly. This e-mail came across my desk the other day: I happened to stumble across your page as a desperate attempt to see whether my vision can be improved at all. I am VERY myopic, wearing contact lens at -10.50 and having glasses at -12. 2 days ago, I went to get an eye exam and the optometrist gave me a new glasses prescription of [...]

By |LASIK, Myopia, Vision Health|