Vision Health Post List2021-11-10T02:42:30+00:00

General Vision Health Topics.  Mostly we talk about myopia here, which we don’t consider to be an illness.  While on that subject we do often end up crossing over into related issues that you may encounter, while working to reduce your myopia.

Everything from dry eyes, to the dangers of certain antibiotics, to risks of retinal detachment and glaucoma and lattice degeneration, you’ll find all the vision health related topics in this category.

Crazy: Italian Opticians Know What Causes Myopia

If you've known me and my eyeball musings for a while, you probably already know that you can live in rural Russia and get solid myopia prevention advice from Russian opticians (though maybe that doesn't necessarily mean you should move there immediately).  Likewise in various other countries, especially ones not dominated by Essilor and their cohorts lens rep locusts.  Locusts, those company reps.  Basically wherever there isn't a strong financial motive to sell lenses, or a general lack of lens [...]

By |Myopia, Vision Health|

Safe Sun

Written By DespinaContributing OptometristYou will all be aware by now of the importance of outdoor time for the purposes of reducing myopia, and getting as much distance vision as possible.Spending time outdoors and getting away from our screens benefits us in many other ways too: filling our lungs with fresh air;  getting more exercise, be it walking, cycling or jogging; experiencing real life and improving our social skills, particularly important for our young ones.Also vitally important is the free supply [...]

By |Vision Health|

Video Edit: Outdoor Time To Improve Eyesight

If you're a regular blog reader, you already know all of what the latest Youtube video covers, in quick recap format.In some ways this is me practicing telling the story.It's also what we covered the other day, on outdoor time and improving eyesight.  I try to talk about this often, even if it's repeating things, since so many of the questions I get are technical, about lenses and diopters and text sizes and astigmatism and centimeter results.Nobody ever asks, 'hey do [...]

By |Video, Vision Health|

Must Read: Going Outside To Improve Your Eyesight

This is a pro topic.  Assumed that you understand the basics of myopia and natural myopia control.  Get ready for the 'one weird trick' to improve your eyesight, while you're outdoors.  ;)As you probably know, I'm a real-world-scenario, no-nonsense type of guy.I'm not interested in what's possible, if we had an infinite amount of time, infinite resources, and a free range unicorn dairy farm.  Removing reality as a constraint, it's easy to come up with solutions for just about anything. [...]

The Word Is Getting Out

Doctors, health care professionals, optometrists, ophthalmologists.  We get e-mails and comments from all of the official, sanctioned, licensed areas, intrigued by @endmyopia.  They're not thousands of e-mails, or even hundreds but they are coming and they're coming consistently.  And more frequently as well.It used to be that most e-mails that weren't asking for help or giving thumbs up, were hate mail from mainstream optometry.  Also not thousands or hundreds, but consistent.  These days there are almost none of those (love [...]

By |News, Vision Health|

Off Topic: Find Your Inner Adventurer

We talk a lot about the mechanics of vision improvement, about science, about student experience, how-to guides, lately even videos and other related things.  I try to put in as much value and tangible help as possible, so that no matter when you first end up here on the blog, you'll read something truly useful.  That said ...We talk very little about why I actually got here, which by extension is why this resource even exists.  Let's visit this neglected and [...]

By |Vision Health|