Acuvue Oasys For Astigmatism: $35 vs. $100 For The SAME Contact Lenses?!
Acuvue Oasys For Astigmatism: Maybe the WRONG solution?
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Acuvue Oasys For Astigmatism: Maybe the WRONG solution?
Not all diopters are the same.
Are your contact lenses and glasses the same exact (relative) correction? They better be!
Focal planes are the key to all things myopia. Your eye being a dynamic system, constantly adjusting to seek ideal eyesight, uses […]
A contact lens, specifically marketed to children, said to prevent high myopia?
Coopervison MiSight contact lenses present a complete paradigm shift in commercial, mainstream myopia control. They should be making news worldwide for their break with […]
(In particular for high myopes, these considerations.)
The tradeoff with glasses over contact lenses (for close-up use) is:
1) Cost (you’re going through a lot of lenses coming down from high myopia, and some people prefer higher […]
Blog header image contains no political preference innuendo.
Maybe you wonder … where does all the optometry disinformation come from? Why do doctors tell you plain and utter nonsense, things you can conclusively disprove with […]
Bi-focal contact lens study: 72% reduction in myopia progression. 80% reduction in the rate of axial elongation.
YES. More mainstream science proving that myopia isn’t the uncontrollable lens-selling, profit pooping monster, which the optic shop sales minion will describe […]
There’s so much great e-mail coming into @endmyopia everyday, I really wish we could get a lot more of it into the blog. I think of a lot of what I’m reading, like small cracks in […]
A few days ago, in the frozen wasteland that is Tokyo in February, I recorded a quick video on the subject of contact lenses for distance vision use.
It’s a continual somewhat tenuous relationship, me […]
We talk about this every once in a while. Should you use contact lenses while in front of the computer?
There’s no one answer to work for everybody.
If you are a low myope, and spend […]