Behind The Scenes Topics2021-11-10T02:42:18+00:00

Behind The Scenes.  Highly professional outfit that @endmyopia is, behind the scenes is all entirely sanctionable, appropriate, and educationally valuable content.

Or not any of that.  We take no responsibility for what you may find in this section.  (nor anywhere else, really … Jake is any PR professional’s amused nightmare)

“Presbyopia Disappeared” (Bonus: -8 To -6 Diopters Progress)

It won't be long now, darlings. Checking in on Twitter for a few minutes every morning, watching clown-world unfold.   It seems we're really serious about going as completely r*tarded as possible, while simultaneously building the most mind blowing alien-sci-fi-movie level of AI technology. They built a physical robot running ChatGPT.   It thinks and moves and exists in full on 3d people reality, it's hard to believe that is all happening.   And meanwhile we're being told to go [...]