Improving Eyesight: The Free Endmyopia Guides2021-11-10T02:42:21+00:00

Put Away Your Wallet.  Improving your eyesight doesn’t have to cost a thing.  All you need is a modicum of intelligence, a bit of persistence, some curiosity, a little open-mindedness, and get ready to spend some time investigating, learning, and trying things out *(site content guide).  

On this page, some of the most recent first-hand improvement accounts from student readers, who used just the blog (not the famed and elusive BackTo20/20 program).  Read, learn, find your own inspiration.

Initial Improvement Experiences: Stephanie & Eli

As usual, we're behind in posting improvement updates. Today a few that aren't of the zillion-diopters-reversed category.  Those are awesome of course, but what can be even more tangibly inspirational is the gains you get when you first try Jakey's magical recipe. Starting out with reduced corrections can be daunting.  Less clarity.  More blur.  You put those glasses on and every time you wonder, am I nuts doing this? Eli posts in the FB group: Starting gains. This isn't the [...]

By |Just With Blog|

Bryan: -5.25 D Reduced To -3.25 D (In 18 Months)

Bryan goes from -5.25 to -3.25.  A worthwhile two diopter bit of 20/20 gains, this. -5.25 diopters.   The mainstream pretends it's no big deal.  Hey there little buddy wear these plastic lenses, pretend we're still living in the medical stone age.  These glasses will fix you right up, son.  Realistically though you are entirely helpless if you loose those glasses or contact lenses. Just think about it.  How far can you make it on your own, without 5 and more [...]

By |5 Diopters, Just With Blog|

Kristen: From -4.25 To -3.25 (In Two Months)

It's time darlings, for another student 20/20 gains progress report. Title of this story?  A little misleading.  Let's look at what Kristen says first hand, get the actual scenario: We do what we do. Those are some excellent starter gains. Except, you know.  Fixing initial overcorrection and eye strain is "easy".  Relatively you're not quite yet really reversing your myopia, you're just correcting some of the major issues with too many diopters and the basic problems of using all that [...]

By |4 Diopters, Just With Blog|

The Endmyopia Scam Facebook Thread

Yes, today is a funny one. As you might have seen from the article headline image, someone joined our Facebook group to call out the bearded sagely one. Indra.  Brave one, right into the lion's den. There's one thing worth considering for these kind of things.  Which is, be open to criticism, to questioning, to disbelief, to being called out.  Indra might not be the smartest tool in the shed but what he says thousands of other people must have [...]

Angie Goes To Gainsville: NO MORE GLASSES*

No more glasses.  That, nice progress. There needs to be a little *.  Which is, no more glasses for close-up specifically.  An important milestone in the journey to being glasses-free, is no longer needing them to read up-close.  Which if you want to reminisce about the past, you used to not need in the first place.  Real quick, when did you start actually needing glasses for close-up? When your old-timey lens seller finally jacked up your "prescription" past two diopters, [...]

Sylvia: -8.50 Reduced To -7.50 (In 18 Weeks)

Let's do another full diopter progress report today. Sylvia writes: Solid start. And here's the chart that Sylvia references: I love chart. You should always keep a log, especially when just getting started.  Measure frequently and later on when you're well into successful reductions, still do at least 1-2 measurements a month.  You'll want that graph to look at in times you're feeling not sure, progress seems slow, or you just need that extra bit of motivation. Keep track of [...]

By |8 Diopters, Just With Blog|