First of the video series not just a talking Jake-head, now online.
The centimeter is something most readers already know perfectly well. For those who are new, it can be a bit of a challenge at first to figure out measuring tools and setup. Also, there is always the question of where blur exactly starts.
For those, hopefully the explainer video will help. The production quality won’t yet win awards, but feel free to check it out anyway.
Why isn’t the video in the blog? Why, Jake?!
Because, freeloaders. This isn’t the socialist republic of Jake.
That and this video in particular explains only the centimeter. By itself it may raise more questions from casual viewers, than it answers. I may include it in the free e-mail series though after the lengthy explanation of how to do a measurement, and possibly later on make a more comprehensive general-public-friendly explainer as well.
For my darling program participants .. click over to the centimeter session, if you’re not sure yet how to measure.
– Jake