Hello, dear #endmyopia readers!  It’s me, Neha, again for you today.  
I was putting together an article for a blogger friend, and would
like to share some highlights with you.

1.  126.000.000 Rod & Cone Cells

The light from the world around you, focused onto the retina of your eye, is received by 126 million rod and cone cells.  A hundred million cells, alive and waiting to share the beautiful world with your mind.

Not just beautiful.  Complex, sophisticated, and your window to the world.


2.  30% Of Your Brain’s Cortex:  Used For Eyesight

The retina is actually an outgrowth of the brain. Neurons devoted to visual processing number in the hundreds of millions and take up about 30 percent of the cortex (just 8 percent for touch, and only 3 percent for hearing). 


Your brain is dedicating serious resources so you can see.

Each of the two optic nerves, which carry signals from the retina to the brain, consists of a million fibers; each auditory nerve carries a mere 30,000.  

Maybe all of this incredible biology is just a tiny bit wasted, looking at Facebook every day?


3.  Myopia Occurrence Has Doubled Since 1970, Affecting As Much As 90% Of Some Populations Today.

Myopia, the most common illness affecting eyesight, has doubled in the U.S., between 1970 and 2000, to now affect close to 50% of the country’s population (source).  Chances are about 50/50 that you reading this, are yourself myopic (ie. need glasses, are nearsighted).

It is even worse on this side of the world in Asia, where as much as 90% of school children are myopic (source).


That’s our future.  If you own stock in lens manufacturers, maybe this is good news.


4.  The Optometrist Office (How We Deal With The Biggest Vision Epidemic In Human History)

I love Google search.  It gives you a window to how the world perceives just about anything.  Telling then maybe, if you search Google for optometrist office, this is what you get:


Does those images look like a) a doctors office or b) a retail shop?

There is no need for me to repeat what is already discussed on this site quite a lot.  What should bother you is how these people monopolize access to health information.  You can easily be silenced by the establishment, if you choose not to partake in their format of “education”, or “treatment”.  I call them the eyesight mafia, under my breath.

Are future generations even going to remember what natural, healthy eyesight was like?

I find little else out there, online, bringing a bit of hope back to our children’s eyesight future.  Share, link, support this site.  

Om Shanti,

– Neha