Here is a nice reader e-mail, once again showing that the blog is full of eye guru powers for you to leverage.  

Take a look:

Hi Jake 
I emailed you recently asking if I could get forum access to help with my myopia, you then kindly pointed me towards the free version the blog. So I started, I had a pair of old glasses -4.00 which I wore and stuck a snellen chart in my living room. Every day I would sit about 25 feet away in my hallway and just do active focus. I also have reduced my close up time. I can see better now I can see road signs clearer.  I have today just came back from the optometrist with a lower proscription (-3.75) I can’t believe it it’s Amazing!!!! I can actually see it working and it’s all free. Just reading the success stories keeps me motivated. I would love to have forum access one day so I can read about other peoples journey and write about mine. 
Many thanks. 

(no screenshot of the e-mail today, new laptop, image editing software not installed yet, so no way to blur out personal details)

And if you have forum access, check out this brilliant update from Jon.  We don’t currently have a good way to save these kind of epic forum posts separately, so they end up floating down the river of stories and updates.  

If you are stuck on a plateau and aren’t improving, Jon’s post is fully of exactly the juicy bits to get you thinking, troubleshooting, find your way out of the sticky plateau.  

