The eye chart on its own is fairly meaningless.
Yes, the optometrist will wave it around in front of you like some sort of magical artifact beyond the grasp of your tiny peasantry brain. It’s part of their whole obscure-money-plz process to rope you into a giant pile of diopter dependence. Opting you out from informed consent, obscuring your potential understanding of your own visual acuity.
What are you even ever saying Jake, you’re thinking.
I’m saying, the poor eye chart has become a well abused pawn in the 100 billion dollar games the retail optometry industry likes to play.
But actually, the eye chart is an incredibly handy too. If you know how to use it.
And now, darling kitteh, you do.
Et voila!
Use the eye chart to translate your visual experience, and then use it as a simple reference guide to always tell you what any given line equates to in terms of real world vision.
That’s what it’s good for.
What’s also good, is having a gravitaciously flowing beard, from which to eminate all of these intensely insightful wisdoms. Beyond the measly reach of any text book memorizing bearers of lens seller titles, beyond the limited grasp of the optometrist who is mainly grasping for your wallet, you’ve found the well of wisdoms of recovering your natural 20/20 eyesight.
And if you’re wondering what’s actually going on, Jake just had two coffees. Double the normal dose.
Go make some 20/20 gains!