
Yes, I haven’t been posting any sort of meandering rants and explorations here in some time.   It seems that writing is slowly becoming extinct, in favor of shiny video, podcasts, phone apps, and all sorts of kids-these-days ways to share content.

Jakey was old long before the Internet was a thing, kittehz.  Nothing to see here.

Except of course that we do have a podcast now.

And your old favorite guru has been spending all the monies on the development of a very high-tech, sophisticatered iOS app.

World domination, impending.

More on that app front, in various threads in our Facebook group.

So mostly the lack of old timey blog style rants, because we’ve been busy trying to fit in with the cool kids.  And not being made obsolete by being complacent.  And also especially, by not being online at all.

Still.  Lots of e-mail every day, and lots of interesting ones.  Like Audrey, here:


That’s no huge surprise, though.

We’re actually somewhat seeping into general consciousness.  I hear endmyopia mentioned in all sorts of conversations, things like ‘active focus’ and reduced diopters for close-up becoming almost acceptable topics around myopia control.

Long gone are the days when optometrist would send arrogant e-mail or post “it’s a scam” topics on social media.

All that is great.  What will be even more great is to now move from an obscure Website with a million scattered how-to guides and rant posts, to a tool that allows newbies to easily assess and understand their eyesight, and then take action to reduce their diopter dependence.  Which of course means having a phone app that can measure your diopters, keep a nice log of results, and make recommendations for you based on all that data.

Hopefully that’ll be available, soon.  

Meanwhile please do keep making all those 20/20 gains, and sharing your experiences.

