Habits are the key to any long term success.  

Anything you have to force yourself to do, or remind yourself to do, is always at risk of being abandoned.  If you have a habit instead, that puts any given activity on “autopilot” for you.  Whenever you are embarking on something new (like vision improvement), the question should always be … how can I turn activities into habit?

To build habits, you might have to employ tricks to enforce activities at first.  Taking breaks from staring at a computer for example, can be difficult.  You get caught up in the e-mails and writing and before you know it, two hours have passed.  

How might one avoid this?

The other day Neha posted a personal trick that she uses to get close-up breaks, in the forum:

quotes-blueBig changes are difficult to keep with, but small ones can be successful. I uses tricks to get myself to take breaks, for example:

When I get to the office in the morning, I leave my phone in the car. I know I will want to check it, but since I am at the office I won’t miss anything urgent. It usually takes anywhere from an hour or two, till I end up going back outside to get my phone. This adds about 15 minutes of walking and standing to my morning, before lunch. Get out, go outside, get the phone, check it, come back in. 

15 minutes I wouldn’t get otherwise. There are many small things like this you can do to sort of enforce new habits to get you away from sitting.”

This in a forum thread that has other interesting insights and suggestions, started by Michael.  Take a look at it over here.

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– Jake