Imagine a piece of glass.

Imagine a pebble hitting the piece of glass.  Slow motion.   It’s a single point of impact.  The glass cracks.  

But it doesn’t just crack where the pebble hit it.  The crack spreads, like a spiderweb, moving outward in all directions, moving through the entire surface.  One small pebble, a singular point of impact, affecting so much more than where it hit.

What, Jake, you say, sipping your coffee.  What are you on about, now.

Myopia is like that pebble.  A single ‘diagnosis’, the ‘doctors’ like to make, one short consult leading to a nice profitable lens sale, and also starting the spiderweb of cracks in your life.  Glasses on your face, leading to a reduced field of vision, limiting your spacial orientation, affecting your fine motor control.  You move differently, less confident, keeping your gaze mostly to what is nearby, in particular the ground when walking.  The glasses are affecting the first impression you make, the activities you choose, the people you meet.  Later on higher correction glasses likely affect your vision health on a larger scale, with myopia increasing risks of other serious conditions like macular degeneration, lattice degeneration and even retinal detachment.

Like the slow motion spreading crack in the piece of glass.

What I’m on about is something I get to hear a lot, recently again, this time in our Facebook group:

Asli made the most of it, even if the earlier experiences weren’t conducive.

But then Asli is also someone who finds a resource like endmyopia, who joins a group like our Facebook group, who takes the time to comment, to share observations, to be engaged.  You can limit the spiderweb cracking through your life, but many people aren’t wired to fight their so-called fate.

What I’m on about is if you have kids, try to keep them from having the glasses experience.  It’s traumatizing, it’s unnecessary, it limits their experience in ways you want to avoid.

And it’s so easy to avoid the myopia pebble.  Use this resource, keep your kids eyeballs happy!

