Every so often we talk about glasses and depression, here in the blog.  (Some of the previous articles, 1) anxiety, depression, weight gain, 2) headaches, depression, overprescriptions)

I like sticking to natural myopia control and not stray off the path too far, too long.  It’s easy to get lost in what-ifs and possible related symptoms, and going to blame glasses for everything, or improving eyesight as ‘cure’ for lots of other ailments.  That’s a red flag when any one particular thing is made out to be the magic solution (or scape goat) to a whole litany of health issues.  

“But Jake, what about wheatgrass.  Cured my cancer and my diabetes, and all my hair grew back, too.”  

Today, let’s take a little swerve off the path.  Just for a moment.  Let’s talk about glasses and depression, because it’s actually important.

I posted the following in the Endmyopia Facebook group, yesterday:

About High Myopia & Depression

Another tidbit from the support forum, this one is so, so important. Excerpt of Olivia’s post there:

“For the increasing awareness while outside and taking our glasses on and off, I am struggling with this. I understand that we have to appreciate the sense of clarity we get as we put our glasses back on, but I have trouble with the way I feel when I take my glasses off. I can relate to day #10 about depression. I have had clinical depression for about nine years now (but I am getting better at coping with it), and when I take off my glasses, a sense of sadness and hopelessness overrides my brain. I try to fight it and have a feeling of hope and pride that I am on my way to bettering my eyesight. I remind myself that I am working on an accomplishment, but I still struggle with it. I think it is because my myopia is so high and I only see a fuzzy blur.”

I’ve had a whole lot of exposure to this over the years and I’m quite suspicious about how much high myopia may be contributing to depression. I can’t give it a higher ranking than “anecdotal evidence” but high myopes and depression is incredibly common of a combination. Likewise, once they get back to -6, -5, I see things often are also notably better in the mental well-being space. Notably to a point where sometimes students were almost unrecognizable in their demeanor. Who is this happy person?!

Also important, always go from more blur to less blur, not the other way around. So go no glasses to glasses, not glasses to no glasses to glasses. Or if you’re high myopia start with close-up and differential, keep the differential when you go outside, then go to normalized / distance lenses. More blur to less blur, always.

Thread is here, if you’re part of the forum posse: https://endmyopia.org/myopia…/…/day-17-update-and-questions/…

If you’ve been deemed worthy of membership to the Facebook group, you can click this link to find the whole thread, including the comments.  I was a bit surprised about the volume and content in this particular thread!

Turns out you guys have interesting opinions on the subject of glasses and depression:


There are a lot more, head over to the thread to read them all.

Of course the whole conversation started with me quoting part of a post in the BackTo20/20 support forum – which is where you can always find me for personal support and suggestions (if you’re wondering about your particular situation, and glasses, and diopters, and all the things).  I do moderate the Facebook group, but that’s more nudges than anything, over there is for you guys to connect and discuss and share.

Want to comment on things, that I might see?  Head on over!

