Did you know that your glasses could be responsible for anxiety and depression that you aren’t even aware of?  Maybe it’s not that your days are monotonous and unfulfilling.  Maybe your boss isn’t that much of an a******.  Maybe traffic isn’t really that annoying.

This is going to be delving a bit outside of the usual science minded approach of the site.  But I have to tell you these things, get them off my blog-writing chest.  Because you really should know these things.

Ok.  Are you ready?

Jake asked me to write a few words for a more compelling introduction to our therapy options.

I know Alex and Jake don’t want you to “buy” things.  

But the way I see it, this site isn’t selling anything.  What we should do though is provide you with a compelling argument as to why glasses really aren’t worth wasting your life on.  Glasses are just bad news all around, far more than just myopia and all the potential illnesses Jake talked about recently.

I don’t have clinical studies the way Jake does.  But I have clients, lots and lots of clients.  And I see what happens to them, when they start to lower their prescriptions. 

They get happier.  More relaxed.  Kids play outdoors more.  They are less shy.  Adults stop walking around with their heads pitched forward, always looking at the ground.  These aren’t fancy studies full of doctor quotes.  This is just Neha telling you what I see, day in, day out.

Here is what I wrote for Jake’s updated, “why you really, seriously, honestly need to get rid of those glasses”:

Glasses Cause Anxiety, Depression, & Weight Problems.

Think back to your high school days for a moment.

Were the best athletes wearing glasses?  Were the most popular guys the ones stuck behind lenses?  What about the most popular girls?  Who was more outgoing and socially at ease, those with glasses or those without?

Were not more of those with glasses affected by acne, and weight issues?

Do you think that is a coincidence?

One could speculate about the causes.  But let’s get on to science, and consider hard facts.

The visual cortex in your brain, which is responsible for creating your vision, is by far the largest part of the cortex.

In fact, it takes up a massive 30% of the entire cortex (!).

Take in contrast touch at just 8% and hearing at 3%.

Your eyesight takes 10 times more processing power, and is hugely important to how you perceive your entire reality.  

It gets even crazier:  the retinas inside your eye are actually an outgrowth of your brain.  They contain over 150 million rods and cones, connecting to hundreds of millions of neurons in your brain.

The optic nerves which carry the signals from your eyes to the brain, contain over a million fibers each (!).  An auditory nerve in comparison, only takes about 30.000.

Your eyesight isn’t “just eyes”.  It’s part of your brain, looking out onto the world.

Still not sure why all the healthy, happy, popular kids in school were the ones without glasses?

Your glasses create a huge distortion inside those hundreds of millions of neurons.  Your brain realizes that something is wrong, but can’t figure out what the problem is.  Suicide rates are markedly higher among myopes, probably no surprise to you now.

Think about this:  your peripheral vision triggers your fight or flight response.  Glasses completely obscure your peripheral vision.  What’s the result?  

Constant background anxiety.

And then you have contact lenses which send an ongoing signal “there is something stuck in my eyes”.

Just because you stop noticing, doesn’t mean all of it stopped affecting you.

You are living under a constant stream of warning signals sent by your visual cortex to the rest of your brain and body.  Glasses don’t even recreate your natural vision, they pinch the image, they create distortion, they create glare, it’s all not very great.

The end result, mild (to significant) depression and anxiety affects your entire body.

We have had participants lose excess weight after shedding a few diopters, we have countless amounts of better mood and emotional balance, the stories about increased emotional well being are countless among our members.

You simply can’t just stick a piece of plastic in front of your eyes, and think everything will be fine.

Here is the real irony.  Your eyes, of all things, aren’t actually sick, or broken.

That’s just a little piece of it.

Too much?  I don’t have Jake’s feedback yet, and I know they all like to be as factual and not high pressure as possible.  It’s something I don’t really agree with.  I think we should be anxious and concerned and really, really serious about not living life behind glasses.  

We definitely shouldn’t put our kids behind glasses.

That’s all I have for you, for today.  :|

Oh, except, quick favor?

If you did Alex’ course before, please take a moment and copy-paste your forum story on the new Facebook page?  It would really help us out a lot!

Happy Eyes,

– Neha