Let’s look at some reader and student e-mails, today.
First up, Matt improves from -4.25 to -2.50. That’s a healthy start right into low myopia territory. Well done.
Avoided the LASIK. Lucky Matt!
Some days it’s easy to take all the improvement stories for granted. Especially if you’ve been following @endmyopia for a while, or if you’re me, clicking through hundreds of e-mails a day (yes, I skim and hit delete liberally, and the e-mail admin does the rest).
But don’t take this stuff for granted. Outside of right here, where else do you ever hear of results like this?
This is a tiny myopia oasis, a remote mountain top with one weird eye guru and his wise students, figuring out how to get their eyes back. If you don’t actually know about this mountain top, chances of reversing your myopia are quite unfortunately slim.
Speaking of finding the mountain, check out Hector’s story:
Best part of this e-mail? Did you spot it?
He tells a friend about his experience and in response she sends him a link to @endmyopia! How awesome is that! “Ah right, you figured it out? Btw, here’s the mountain where the other ones who know, hang out.” ;)
Let’s stick with the silly mountain-o-myopia-wisdom theme. Carly arrives with a plea for help, literally terrified about her 7 year old daughter’s sudden myopia:
Where would people go, if there was no @endmyopia?
From Hector’s near miss with LASIK, a quick note from Johnny that really reflects how I feel about the whole story from Monica and the insane LASIK surgeon, recently:
Yikes, right? I’m sure you felt some of that, when you read the story.
I even took some time to answer a LASIK question over on Quora, just because it may help one or two people reconsider going that route. If you stop over that way, hit that upvote button (helps lift answers higher to the top).
Click image to go to the Quora answer.
And let’s call it here for today, with the e-mails. Imagine my inbox though, it’s what you just read above x100, every single day. There are those days where I want to get these hours back, work on something else besides @endmyopia (and complain about it because, wah). But even though my heart is tiny and black, and the inner conscience barely audible … what would happen with all those e-mails?
Remember, most of everything here exists because of your support. Your e-mails, your forum observations, your Youtube comments. Don’t be silent, make yourself heard one way or another. It keeps all this going.