Let’s look at a client account after using the Vision Improvement Program for 30 days.

While there is no formula for expected progress, and individual results vary widely, a good expectation might be what you will read about here. This particular client also highlights very nicely how to take advantage of all the recommendations in the first 30 days of the program – mainly, the various ways to track progress to help your motivation, and give you definite data to chart your progress.

Ruth Ann’s 30 day report:

I have been in the program 29 days now, and just wanted to share my experiences and observations.

I’m really happy I can already see progress these first four weeks. I’m enjoying my walks. There is a wind farm in the country where I live, and the windmills are set back from the road at least 500 feet, some more. There is a letter and number on the side of each one, which I could not read without my glasses when I began walking. One of them I even had to walk halfway up the gravel road closer to the windmill to read it. Now I can read them, even though they are blurry, with my right eye, but not the left eye. I noticed that with both eyes they are less blurry than with just the right eye, so the left eye must be contributing something, even though it is unreadable with the left eye alone.

I have also been keeping track of centimeter measurements.
Beginning of program,
August 9, morning, R 28 cm
L 17 cm

August 10, morning R 24 cm
L 15 cm

September 6, today, morning R 40 cm
L 18 cm

For the last four days, cm measurements for the R vary from 34-40 cm
L vary from 16-19 cm

My prescription is R -4.0, L -7.25. I got these glasses August 22.
August 23 I could read the Snellen with glasses at 20 feet:
R 20/15
L 20/25 blurry
Both 20/15 (missed one letter)
I checked the Snellen today, September 6: R 20/13 instant focus
L 20/20 blurry, slow focus
Both 20/13
So in two weeks I can read the next lower line, and can now just barely see 20/20 with my left eye. It was not correctable to 20/20 because of a cataract. So I am very happy to see this improvement.

Thanks, Alex, for this website.

Ruth Ann

Here is the original thread in the forum.

If you are not yet familiar with the easy ways of measuring your own myopia, take a look at the myopia calculator (which is what Ruth Ann refers to, with the centimeter measurements).

In the best case scenario, comparing her first measurements of 28 cm, this would equal a -3.5 diopter prescription. The measurement a month later at 40 cm, equals a prescription 0f -2.5 diopters – a whole diopter lower, than when she started. That is a 30% improvement, in peak results, in 30 days.  Very good!

Of course the reality, without marketing hyperbole, is not quite as noteworthy. There is still a lot of work to be done. The left eye will need some attention to start showing as much improvement, and of course the centimeter results tend to vary each day – so the real improvement for the first 30 days is a much lower figure if we look at it in a more practical, realistic way.

And yet, this helps solidify for Ruth Ann that a) the program she chose works b) that she is following the instructions correctly,as her results prove. This is important, as this first hand confidence is what you need, to persist with your own vision improvement goals.
