So there I was this morning, pounding away on the treadmill, staring at Euronews on the tv screen in front of me, going over the Back to 20/20 session I did yesterday in my mind, all about the importance of taking regular breaks from close-up focus. And without even realising it, I was doing it. Staring at that close-up screen. And so were about 80% of the others in the gym today. Absurd, isn’t it, that even during exercise we are focused on something up close? Not bad enough that this is what happens at work, but during exercise too? I bet each and every one of us has access to a beautiful park or a beach or a field or a forest.. I’m not telling you to tear up your membership-great things can happen in gyms-but we also need to get out there whenever we can, into the fresh air, and stare at that horizon or at the top of that tree or skyscraper. I’m lucky, my treadmill is in front of a window so I can shift my focus from the tv screen to the mountains in the distance whenever I remember to, and we must all remember to do this, wherever we are. So yes, we are all guilty of having bad habits, not just the new social media-obsessed generation and the little kids playing computer games all day, and these are want Jake wants us to change. And if we expect future generations to change their habits they must see us doing it first. 

Posted By Despina