For every one single improvement it seems that we get an avalanche of challenges and unforeseen issues.

Most recently, if you came to visit this weekend, you may have noticed some interestingly discouraging errors here on the site.

All that stemmed from the code guys promising improved speed, support for the banner headings for pages, and a number of other improvements.  Of course all of that was true, but it didn’t quite happen as a smooth transition.  Your supportive e-mails and suggestions did help quite a bit.

Meanwhile there has been quite a bit of behind the scenes work happening to improve your experience on the whole subject of measuring your eyesight.  The goal is to have a solid section here for all things measurement related, and two new resources to make your life easier:

The Printable Myopia Ruler

This should be interesting and save you from having to go find a suitable centimeter tape.  It also eliminates the step of having to convert centimeters to diopters altogether.  While I don’t doubt that we’ll have to iterate a bit on the first version, it should be quite a bit better than the current state of affairs.

You will just be able to print the ruler on any A4 sized paper, cut it out, tape it together, and have a good measurement tool.  It’ll look something like this:


If you take a moment to also cover it in clear tape, it’ll be durable and easily replicated anywhere you’d like to measure your myopia degree.

Look for it in the next few days, hopefully.  Along with that, you will soon see:

The PrescriptionRX Android app that will measure your diopter correction needs.

This one is causing me a bit more anxiety since I’ve learned that with every bit of technology come innumerable behind the scenes headaches – especially when yours truly is not a software developer.  Of course this site does not generate the sort of revenue to remotely justify having dedicated staff.  So for the time being, we will just make do and hope that you enjoy the outcome.

First version, looks something like this:


There is a tiny bit of a learning curve that I expect will put some people off.  To get the more serious audience and avoid negative feedback from casual downloaders, the app may not be free (let’s see though how I will handle that – if you participated in the course previously and don’t want to pay for the app, just send me a quick e-mail).

More on all of this, soon.

Do enjoy some healthy eyesight today,

alex cures myopia