** Slightly off-topic Sunday-Wednesday. **

All right, kittehs.  Check this out:


Some part of the Google Website traffic statistics thingie for the #endmyopia site.

That’s a lot of people.

Mostly silent, shadow-like, graphs and charts people.

More importantly though, this:  I’m spending an unexpected amount of time, getting you the things.

There are the blog posts, not that big of a deal.  A few forum questions.  But behind the scenes there is also a metric crap-pile of e-mail.  Legitimate support requests, random inquiries, broken Web-things, the developer minions complaining about integration hiccups with the new payment platform.

And quite a lot of this:


Aka, the “I just bought a home gym, where are my sixpack abszzz?!?!!!>!! – e-mails.

And there’s the video project.

I want you to be entertained, motivated, involved.  If this site becomes part of your daily habits, the odds that you’ll tag along and get better eyesight, probably increases.

Here’s the possible venues for more inspiration and stuff-ness:

Bear in mind, if you’re up for some feedback, the only one thing that I really could care less about, is marketing.

Speaking of Facebook and off-topic.


TSH has been a two-year self experiment, that giant number is no mystery (and easy fix).

But what’s up with the Bilirubin?  Liver function is a-ok.  Not figuring out what to chase on that front.  Ideas?  Drop a line on the post.

Be part of all the things.  Bring a little inspiration, ideas, or just hey-this-is-me-reading-your-stuff.  Take along a few cans of paint, put some graffiti on the boring-talk wall of just diopters and glasses and better habits.

Just remembered as I’m writing, there’s also a Twitter account.  Who knew.  I just checked it and it’s pretty quiet other than some like or retweet or whatever, by somebody with a proud cleavage and forthcomingness of various preferences.  o_O


Seems legit.

Follow the Twitter thing and I’ll post there as well.  Probably.

There are a lot of you in BackTo20/20.  We’ll absolutely keep things properly professional and on-point there, as always.  The goal is to use your time as efficiently as possible when it comes to those sessions.

Here though, let’s have a  little fun sometimes.  Fun usually translates well to making progress.  ;-)

