Disclaimer: This is an ongoing collection of review-trophies from Internet haters.
Reviews. Testimonials. Endorsements. Lame.
So instead of all that positivity and productive conversation, here we have the beginning of a compendium of the amusingly bad things being said on the Internet about Jake and endmyopia.
It All Doesn’t Work
Once you spend some time reading the science, biology basics, and peer reviewed clinical studies, you begin to realize that none of this could possibly work.
Here’s Jeramie’s very potent warning about endmyopia:
And perhaps the chain store optometrist with his hamster mill degree is spot on right. You’re just a genetic f*ckup, destined to look like one of those half blind mole rats forever. It’s genetics and in no way your fault.
More ways that endmyopia and Jake offend:
Bates Method Shade
Bates Method teachers and their followers. They live in fear of the reality that it’s all bullshit and so even the slightest call-out on their completely scientifically valid and amazing eye exercises makes them hyper aggressive.
Here’s Skyliker, typical intelligent and rational representative of the Bates camp:
Jewish conspiracy.
Bates is dead, sadly.
And with him most Western medicine from the 1800’s. Which sucks, because we lost ice pick lobotomies for “mood swings” and heroin cough syrup for our babies.
Shed a tear. Moment of silence.
Another frequent subject of objection:
The Facebook Ban
Our Facebook endmyopia group is growing very quickly.
This is of course unfortunate as you can tell by this page, a lot of people are being pulled into the entirely implausible ideas spread by Jake and endmyopia. Though sometimes people get removed (though never for breaking the simple group rules or anything obvious like that).
Here’s Jen’s definitive take on Jake after being banned from the group:
Engulfed satanic black spirit.
There are a lot of complaints from these poor souls who catch the eye of Jake-Sauron and are removed from the Facebook group. And often their points are rational and valid and we will sorely miss their spirited insights and fair assessments.
Another one:
Reddit /optometry
This one. It’s got depth. Analysis.
Of course asking Reddit (home of giant child porn and fake Rolex sales groups) is the perfect place to get knowledgeable, unbiased insights on anything going counter the specific “myopia is genetic” optometry dogma. Reddit or maybe 4chan.
Two offensive things to point out here:
- That Jake, an institutional finance guy (the undisputed heavy weights of scams) can’t come up with a better scam than an obscure Internet blog about myopia science. That’s a real low blow.
- Not one single mention of the whole entire guru theme, the imaginary beard, the brilliant sarcasm. Yes it’s questionable having advocates and a million people endorsing the method. And while reading the site, starting to wonder if optometrists are just a tiny part of a huge 100 billion dollar myopia industry money grab. All that he talks about, but not me claiming to be the last surviving eye guru with an imposing and potentially holy beard?
People have no decency left.
Then again Van Jakenscam most likely owns stock in the very lens manufacturer that the dude is going to be sold his next -7 diopter lenses in. Win-win.
Do keep an eye on this space for more high quality reviews, to be added when they come in.