Jake posts in the forum:

Following the “vacation series” of the Web program, pretty much exactly …

Today I had a strange moment, at breakfast. Been doing the steps for maybe about a week now, actually paying attention. While I was sitting there, lake side, drinking tea, looking at the grass … suddenly, the usual green sort-of-blur just JUMPED OUT into individual grass blades. It was freakish, unsubtle, sudden, jarring. I could SEE the grass blades!

Now, I’m still at -2D (in good sunlight), and the grass is a good 10-15 meters away. There is no way I should be able to see individual blades.

It wasn’t a clear image. Sort of like the distortion at the optometrist, when you look through lenses that let you see 20/20, but maybe the left or right side prescription strength is off. That sort of “wrong aspect ratio” effect, if you put your TV on the wrong setting, watching a movie. Scrunched. But, … grass blades!

I could blink, re focus, loose it, get it back. It wasn’t a fluke, I could persistently see grass blades, albeit with that distortion.

Fantastic. Thumbs up for the vacation series. If you’re in one-on-one like me, don’t skip the Web program. It has good stuff that Alex will probably forget to mention otherwise.

Excellent timing to bring up the Vacation Series. If you have been doing the program for a while and are looking for that extra boost, I have a small series to help you get the most out of the specific advantages of being on vacation.

This series in particular helps with some of the adverse psychological strain expectations.

Of course the primary cause of strain is close-up. You don’t need this series, or ever even think of psychological strain concepts. If you have experienced several reductions in your eyeglass prescription though, if you are seeing quite a lot better than when you started, you might want to take a look at the Vacation Series. The premise that your mind expects strain, and over-reacts accordingly, has been showing up in my practice consistently, over the years.  

Taking a week, two weeks (and possibly more), to reframe this expectation, can help quite a bit to make some leaps in further improving your eyesight.

