Quick heads up for you here, if you’re looking for logging and measuring tools:
There’s a fair bit of community based development going on, building tools to help realize your lofty back to 20/20 vision aspirations. This is all community work, meaning that you’re not having to pay for these things – and consequently also, there’s no guarantees or definitive support or anything besides use-at-your-own-peril.
Peril, kittehz.
Depending on how these things evolve we may eventually go for official support and development on some of these tools through endmyopia. Since all that costs money though, and since quite many of the participants here are darling freeloaders, we don’t quite have the luxury of just throwing money at every possible cool new thing out there.
Community development to the rescue, be sure to thank them for their work and provide feedback on your experience using their applications.
Best way to find all current tools and discussion about them, is via the ‘tools‘ category in our free community forum.