Here’s a secret to add to your knowledge of the mysteriously non-mysterious eye guru:  Jake equally enjoys outpourings of love and also, not-love.  

That’s right.  Love, hate, equally appropriate.  (As long as it’s not indifference.) 

Youtube comments in particular appear to host a lot of interestingly inspirational sort of messages (and grammar and spelling).  As they do say, never read your Youtube comment section!

So let’s read the Youtube comment section.  Or at least one highlight:

Effort went into that outpouring of support.

Smooth Operator is optimistic.  

Jake, he speculates, may be a productive member of society, not squandering his time and work by giving all the things away for free.  Jake, appropriately charging money for time and experience and the value of all the endmyopia content.  Making money, and also even more inspiringly, being an artist.  In fact Smooth Operator finds the Youtube production so amazing that he believes Jake should be a celestial being, far too great to be confined to existing merely on this planet alone.

What more can we say?  Sometimes your critics are also your biggest fans.

