Over in the Groups of Faces, I created a little poll the other day.   Here’s what that was all about:

Does this site make my butt look big? :D

Seriously though, I often wonder how all this is doing for you. I worry:

1) That I’m boring you with the sheer simplicity of the approach. I don’t throw a bunch of heavy biology terminology at you, I don’t justify everything with reams of science jargon (hey did you know that the retina has its own sensorimotor aparatus?! Read it and revel in my scientific knowledge superiority! https://endmyopia.org/geeks-retina-its-own-sensorimotor-app…/)

You don’t even have to chant while waving incense sticks, and there isn’t a complex regimen of exercises to make you feel like you know some super secret handshake.

2) That I’m not adding enough fruit-hippie alternative medicine high spirituality and wonder-grass. I see this being a key ingredient in a lot of ‘health movements’ and their associated gurus. The intangible, the special magic, the thing that makes you go, oh boy, this is a real damn guru, from a higher plane of spiritual dimensions. As you read, you find yourself thinking … “I feel my own spirit chakra lifting already, my inner third eye is clearing it’s emotional myopic barrier!”

Ommm kittehs, ommmmm.

I am a boring guy in real life, too. I don’t care about overly complex and generally not actionable science-ey explanations (don’t care about those overhead cam lobe degrees and valve actuations and roller rockers, just tell me how fast the damn thing goes). Don’t need to convince me with a giant vocabulary of words I don’t understand, that you’re super smart. I don’t want to have to buy the spiritual talk just to get more flexibility in my shoulders. Tell me how to stretch, also shut up about exhaling my inner darkness while we’re at it.

That’s me. Wee brain Jake just wants the tangible bits, hold the secret sauce. I could be an accountant.

What do *you* think, though? Are we missing out on a wider audience, not having things that pea-brain Jake deems irrelevant or fluff-train hippie unicorn talk? Maybe this is just digression anyway, but then again we could probably get some of the science fans to add more deep eye science content, and I could probably find you some spiritual Indian ashram shanti bits (though that part, could be a stretch).

For the sake of amusement, all this. It’s great fun to read your thoughts and comments.

Poll outcome, over here.

Also since I should make more videos about FAQs or specific myopia control tips or science findings, here’s one instead about not any of those things:


Eat a d***, YouTube.

YouTube, still at this juncture, mostly because it’s fun to ramble about things on video.  

Housekeeping:  On the agenda is extended session for BackTo20/20, video for BackTo20/20, the ongoing work on trying to get decent animations for more structured How-To type videos.  All of the above not exactly progressing quickly.  

Also as of next month, major changes on the home front.  No more living in Thailand, no more full time nanny for the little boy, no more studio just for videos, no more of  the easy, established routines.  Blank slate, going all in on doing what I usually do, though until now always solo (which is to sell everything, take a small daypack worth of stuff, relocate to a new and random country).   Baby mama said she’s over living in Thailand, ready for new things.  And so am I, so we’ll just go do it.  Grab some bags and see somewhere new in the world.  

On my mind always how I can better tie in the benefits of 20/20 vision in an emotionally valuable way, and get casual readers / viewers to start to resent their nerd goggles.  Glasses suck.  Contacts suck.  LASIK is gambling with your eyesight.  If you want to surf or play soccer or sail a boat around the world, glasses are really going to limit you.  Glasses are like an invisible leash, tying you to a desk and screens, and being a good sedentary sheeple.

Opportunity in this move, in what is coming next, to illustrate how not having -5 diopter glasses frees you in so many small (and large) ways?  I don’t have an answer for this, but it’s on my mind.

