New laptop is all set up, and thus the video productions resume.  Yay.

Today’s topic, myopia and alcohol.  I cover this topic in a whole session just about myopia and alcohol over in BackTo20/20.  It’s that much of a subject!

If you don’t feel like reading, or watching Jake’s face on Youtube, here’s the short answer:  Alcohol doesn’t cause myopia.  It can however affect your vision to a degree that doing an eye exam the next day after drinking can result in a higher prescription.  If you are drinking regularly, you may also have lower visual acuity, which may be compensated by stronger glasses.

Stronger glasses that you don’t actually need, which means you’re carrying “junk diopters” in your prescription, which are the diopters that most contribute to progressive myopia.

So you could say in a way, alcohol can contribute to increasing myopia.  To illustrate, let’s look at Mike’s recent post in the forum:

I received my new differential glasses the first part of May and wanted to give it some time until I gave an update. I must say that it’s been going pretty well with them for close up work. I think this was what my eyes needed to get me over that plateau. My centimeter measurements went up not too long after I started with the new differentials too. You can see it in my logs. I also think that the structured program was a big help too.

Things were going well, and then I regressed. My cm dropped a little. What was the cause? I went camping over the weekend and had a few drinks. The next morning, I immediately noticed the decreased clarity with my normalized. Before this, I was starting to get lots of days where it seemed like I could get a sharp 20/15 with a little bit of active focus and sunny weather (the type of sharp vision where you know you’re astigmatism was gone for that moment). When I got home from the trip, I did my centimeter measurements, and at one point it was down 23cm in both eyes. I was shocked!

I read #14: Things To Know – Myopia and Alcohol, but did I listen? No, because I thought a few drinks wouldn’t affect me (I’m different…didn’t you know?). My eyes are starting to get back there, but I was pretty shocked to see what alcohol did. Great learning for me.

There you have it.  Best to listen to uncle Jake on these things.

I put together a quick video edit of this topic, for your potential viewing pleasures.  


Isn’t that the very picture of a face of a highly esteemable eye guru?  Click over to watch it!

Give the thumbs if you like it, and subscribe to the channel.  As you might have noticed, I’ve been putting more time towards video bits lately, a trend that’s likely to continue.  

Housekeeping:  Session updates resuming shortly.  The week trip into the jungle-frontier and the subsequent death of the laptop caused a bit of a pileup in the to-do list.  If you’re far into the program, waiting on updated sessions, coming soon (also most of the remaining session updates are mostly cosmetic – the interesting bit will be the weekly bonus sessions to cover the other 10 months of free extras).

