A new program participant writes:

quotesI recently joined your program to improve my eyesight and most importantly, lessen the risk of retina issues. My current glasses are L -13.25 and R -15. I wear contacts most of the time, L-11.5, R -12. Doing close up work with +1 reading glasses. Is there any potential harm to the high myope’s retina from anything in the program ?”

Since my response is appropriate for all high myopia cases, I copied it from my e-mailed response:

quotes-blueWith any myopia case that high, I recommend being aware of symptoms of retinal detachment, as well as timely checkups as recommended by your ophthalmologist.

Prescription strengths are also worth considering very carefully, with high myopia. Unlike most in the field, I consider high myopia an acute symptom, and like to take assertive steps to manage prescriptions. Questions to consider:

1. Are your current glasses giving you 20/20 on a Snellen, or is your vision significantly better? (ie seeing even the smallest line very clearly, immediately, in most lighting conditions)

2. Is the close-up prescription use adequately lowered to bring you close to the blur horizon? 

3. Are there long periods of close-up, where it may make sense to use a dedicated prescription? (less deterioration in image quality by using just one correction, less strain)

Strain management of course is quite important. The core program (first 30 installments) is great for that, as well as the basics on prescription. Finding that line where you have the least possible prescription complexity, along with opportunity for active focus, is worth taking the time to investigate.

Generally speaking there is no harm in any concepts of the program. We deal primarily in strain reduction and using only as much prescription as we really need. The caveat is that with very high myopia, any relatively small change can have a larger impact – since the eyes are already in a notably unnatural state at all times.

Be aware of unusual strain symptoms, and avoid making any sudden or significant changes. Small and gradual improvements to close-up habits, as well as small incremental prescription reductions are the best approach to take.”


Keep in mind that originally the Web Program excluded myopia cases over -6 diopters entirely.

When we deal with more axial elongation, more correction, more strain, the odds are stacking against us.

There are a lot more side effects and other potential issues that may surface at any time, with myopia that has gotten unfortunately high. I used to exclude these cases, to avoid any potential issue where the program would be “blamed” when in fact the case was at risk for any number of possible new symptoms.

I realized though that high myopes need the program more than anyone – and with the appropriate disclaimer, I’d rather offer the resource, than withhold it for fear of misuse.

Hopefully you are enjoying improving eyesight today!

alex cures myopia