Samson posts an update of his vision improvement progress in the forum:

My name’s Samson and I’m 20 this year. It’s my first time posting here so I thought I’d share my experiences so far!

About 3 months ago, I had -7.75 diopters of myopia and -7 diopters in my right, according to the centimeter calculator. I stopped wearing my glasses about 3 years ago (it was -9 for my left and -8.5 for my right, probably insanely overpowered) after being introduced to the Bates method by a teacher of mine. It seemed to work for some time and my myopia decreased by about a diopter or so.

Not one to give up, I started googling for ways to reduce myopia. One day, by chance, I found the #endmyopia Method mentioned ever so fleetingly on someone’s blog! Rather intrigued, I began reading the articles on the site. They made sense to me, since they were all about changing habits instead of un-maintainable exercises. After getting a part-time job, I finally took the plunge and subscribed to the web program!

And week by week, my eyesight improved, just by following the instructions and suggestions in the installments! I’m now at -5.75 in my left eye and -5 in my right eye, and I’m still surprised I managed to drop 2 whole diopters in 3 months! Onward to 20/20!

And a big thank you to Alex for making his method available to so many through the internet!

Find the full thread here:

Interesting here is that high myopia cases almost exclusively involve axial elongation of the eyeball (lower degrees can be partially or entirely just a focusing muscle problem).  There is a large contingent of medical professionals who vehemently oppose the notion that the eyeball can be shortened to it’s normal size by reducing strain and targeted stimulus.

Of course there is quite a bit of research proving them wrong. Better than research though, is direct experience by individuals like Samson, who demonstrate that you can recover even from significant myopia, without invasive procedures.

Get outside, enjoy some healthy eyesight today!


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